Samara, E., Kilintzis, P., Komninos, N., Kosti, P., and Vardaka, A. (2025). A Methodological Framework for Tailoring National Indicators to Regional Contexts. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Research in Management, Business and Finance, Vol. 1, Issue. 1, 2024, pp. 1-11
Carayannis, EG., Komninos, N., Sindakis, S. (2024). Digital Platforms, Generative AI, and the Future of Territorial Innovation Systems: Navigating the New Landscape of Intelligence and Innovation. Special Issue of the Journal TECHNOVATION.
Samara, E., Kilintzis, P., Komninos, N., Anastasiou, A., and Martinidis, G. (2024). Assessment of Smart Technologies in Regional Innovation Systems: A Novel Methodological Approach to the Regionalisation of National Indicators. Systems 2024, 12(1).
Nicos Komninos, Christina Kakderi, Anastasia Panori & Yannis Psycharis . (2023). Three Conditions for Liveable Cities: Geographical Inclusion, Carbon Neutrality and Transport Innovation. In: The Future of Liveable Cities, Luigi Fusco Girard, Karima Kourtit, Peter Nijkamp (eds). Springer, Footprints of Regional Science book series, pp. 55-78
Panori Anastasia, Kakderi Christina, Komninos Nicos. (2023). Transformation of smart city public services through AI and big data analytics: Towards universal cross-sector solutions. In: Handbook of Research on Artificial Intelligence, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (pp. 292-307). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Syrmos, E., Bechtsis, D., Tsampoulatidis, I., Komninos, N. (2023). An IoT Framework for Heterogeneous Multi-layered Access in Smart Cities. In: Streitz, N.A., Konomi, S. (eds) Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions. HCII 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14037. Springer, Cham.
Komninos, N., Tsampoulatidis, I., Kakderi, C., Nikolopoulos, S., Kompatsiaris, I . (2022). Projects for Smart Cities: Ecosystems, Connected Intelligence and Innovation for the Radical Transformation of Cities. In: Patnaik, S., Sen, S., Ghosh, S. (eds) Smart Cities and Smart Communities. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 294. Springer, Singapore.
Katmada, A., Komninos, N., Kakderi, C. (2022). The Landscape of Digital Platforms for Bottom-Up Collaboration, Creativity, and Innovation Creation. In: Streitz, N.A., Konomi, S. (eds) Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions. Smart Environments, Ecosystems, and Cities. HCII 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13325. Springer, Cham.
Tsampoulatidis, I., Komninos, N., Syrmos, E., & Bechtsis, D. (2022). Universality and Interoperability Across Smart City Ecosystems. In: Streitz, N.A., Konomi, S. (eds) Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions. Smart Environments, Ecosystems, and Cities. HCII 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13325, Springer, Cham. Best paper award, 10th International Conference on Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions (DAPI), an affiliated conference of the Human-Computer-Interaction International 2022 Conference.
Komninos, N. (2022). Net Zero Energy Districts: Connected Intelligence for Carbon-Neutral Cities. Land 2022, 11, 210.
Komninos, N. (2022). Transformation of Industry Ecosystems in Cities and Regions: A Generic Pathway for Smart and Green Transition. Sustainability 14, no. 15: 9694.
Samara, E., Andronikidis, A., Komninos, N., Bakouros, Y. & Katsoras, E. (2022). The Role of Digital Technologies for Regional Development: a System Dynamics Analysis. Journal of the Knowledge Economy (2022).
Tsampoulatidis, I., Nikolopoulos, S., Kompatsiaris, I., and Komninos, N. (2021). Geographic citizen science in citizen-government communication and collaboration: Lessons learned from the Improve My City application. In: Geographic citizen science design: No one left behind, UCL Press, (186-205).
Andronikidis, A., Samara, E., Bakouros, I., Komninos, N., Katsoras, E. (2021). System dynamics modelling to study the impact of digital technologies on regional development. 6th South-East Europe Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference (SEEDA-CECNSM).
Chalikias, A.P., Tsampoulatidis, I., Tsalakanidou, F., Nikolopoulos, S., Kompatsiaris, I., Komninos, N., Doudouliakis, K., Papastergios, G., Papafilis, P., Karkaletsi, S., Chatzis, C. (2021). Evidence-driven policy-making using heterogeneous data sources—The case of a controlled parking system in Thessaloniki. Data & Policy, vol. 2, 2020, e15.
Kakderi, C., Komninos, N., Panori, A., Oikonomaki, E. (2021). Next City: Learning from Cities During COVID-19 to Tackle Climate Change. Sustainability 2021, 13(6), 3158.
Komninos, N., Kakderi, C., Mora, L., Panori, A., and Sefertzi, E. (2021). Towards High Impact Smart Cities: a Universal Architecture Based on Connected Intelligence Spaces. Journal of Knowledge Economy.
Komninos, N., Panori, A. and Kakderi, C. (2021). The Smart City Ontology 2.0: Assessing the components and interdependencies of city smartness. Preprints 2021, 2021080101.
Komninos, N., Tsampoulatidis, I., Kakderi, C., Nikolopoulos, S., and Kompatsiaris, I. (2021). Projects for intelligent and smart cities: technology and innovation transforming city ecosystems. Preprints 2021, 2021080080.
Komninos, Ν., Kakderi, C., Panori, A., Garcia, E., Fellnhofer, K., Reid, A., Cvijanović, V., Roman, M.A., Deakin, M., Mora, L. (2021). Intelligence and Co-Creation in Smart Specialisation Strategies: Towards the Next Stage of RIS3. ArchiDOCT 17, 9 (1) DATA Vol. 17, Issue 9 (1), 2021 August 05, 2021 BST.
Martinidis, G., Komninos, N., Carayannis, E. (2021). Taking into Account the Human Factor in Regional Innovation Systems and Policies. Journal of Knowledge Economy.
Martinidis, G., Komninos, N., Dyjakon, A., Minta, S., Hejna, M. (2021). How Intellectual Capital Predicts Innovation Output in EU Regions. Implications for Sustainable Development. Sustainability, 13, 14036.
Kakderi, C., Komninos, N., Panori, A., and Psaltoglou, A. (2020). Smart Specialisation 2.0: Driving Public Funds Towards Platforms and Ecosystems. Springer, Vol. 177, pp. 68-79.
Komninos, N. (2020). The new logic of environmental sustainability under the smart everything paradigm. ERSA 2020-Web Conference- Spatial Challenges for the New World, pp. 1-13.
Komninos, N., Kakderi, C., Collado, A., Papadaki, I., and Panori, A. (2020). Digital Transformation of City Ecosystems: Platforms Shaping Engagement and Externalities across Vertical Markets. Journal of Urban Technology, Vol 28 (1-2), pp. 93-114, DOI: 10.1080/10630732.2020.1805712
Panori, A., Kakderi, C., Komninos, N., Fellnhofer, K., Reid, A., and Mora, L. (2020). Smart systems of innovation for smart places: Challenges in deploying digital platforms for co-creation and data-intelligence. Land Use Policy, available online 13 April 2020.
Komninos, N. and Panori, A. (2019). The creation of city smartness: architectures of intelligence in smart cities and smart ecosystems. In: Smart Cities in the Post-algorithmic Era: Integrating technologies, platforms and governance, Edward Elgar, pp. 101-129.
Komninos, N., Panori, A. and Kakderi, C. (2019). Smart cities beyond algorithmic logic: digital platforms, user engagement and data science. In: Smart Cities in the Post-algorithmic Era: Integrating technologies, platforms and governance, Edward Elgar, pp. 1-15.
Kakderi, C., Tsarchopoulos, P., Komninos, N., and Panori, A. (2019). Smart Cities on the Cloud. In "Mediterranean Cities and Island Communities. Smart, Sustainable, Inclusive and Resilient", A. Stratigea and D. Kavroudakis (eds), pp.57-80, Springer.
Anttiroiko, A.V. and Komninos, N. (2019). Smart Public Services: Using Smart City and Service Ontologies in Integrative Service Design. In: Rodriguez Bolivar M. (eds) Setting Foundations for the Creation of Public Value in Smart Cities. Public Administration and Information Technology, vol 35, pp. 17-47. Springer Nature.
Kakderi, C., Fellnhofer, K., Panori, N., & Komninos, N. (2019). Online Mechanisms for Smart Specialisation Facilitate the Entrepreneurial Discovery Process. Academy of Management Global Proceedings, No 2018.
Komninos, N. and Kakderi, C. (2019). Smart Cities in the Post-algorithmic Era: Integrating technologies, platforms and governance. Edward Elgar, Cities series.
Anastasia Martzopoulou and Nicos Komninos. (2019). The Effect of Solar Energy on The Environmental Impacts and Sustainability of Food Industry. Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management, 7(3), 323-321.
Κομνηνός, Ν., Κακδέρη, Χ., Πανώρη, Α., Τσαρχόπουλος, Π., Μαρτζοπούλου, Α. (2018). Η εξελικτική λογική στο σχεδιασμό ψηφιακών υποδομών της Θεσσαλονίκης. Πρακτικά συνεδρίου "Πόλη υπό κατασκευή: σχέδια, διαδικασίες και πρακτικές για τον χώρο της Θεσσαλονίκης" σελ. 212-219.
Komninos, N. (2018). "Internet Platforms, Disruptive Innovation and Smart Growth",. 20th Scientific Conference of the Hellenic Regional Association. Regions at a Turning Point. Athens, 4-5 June 2018.
Panori, A., Komninos, N., Kakderi, C. and Fellnhofer, K. (2018). "Smart Specialisation Strategies: An online platform for strategy design and assessment",. 17th International Conference Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication (RelStat’17), Springer, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems.
Komninos, N. (2018). Connected Intelligence in Smart Cities: Shared, engagement and awareness spaces for innovation. Jheronimus Academy of Data Science.
Komninos, N., Passas I., Schoina. M, and Martinidis, G. (2018). Setting up Communities of Interest for the ITS Industry. Proceedings, ICTTE Belgrade 2018.
Tsampoulatidis, I., Kompatsiaris, I., and Komninos, N. (2018). From E-Government to We-Government: an analysis towards participatory public services in the context of the H2020 WeGovNow project. Proceedings, International Conference on Information Society and Smart Cities (ISC 2018), University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K, 27-28 June, 2018.
Tsarchopoulos, P,. Komninos, N. and Kakderi, C. . (2018). "Accelerating the uptake of smart city applications through cloud computing.". International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering Vol. 11, No.1.
Komninos, N. and Mora, L. (2018). Exploring the big picture of smart city research. Scienze Regionali–The Italian Journal of Regional Science. Special issue "Smart Cities: past achievements and future challenges", Andrea Caragliu and Chiara Del Bo (eds).
N. Komninos, C. Kakderi, A. Panori, and P. Tsarchopoulos. (2018). Smart City Planning from an Evolutionary Perspective. Journal of Urban Technology, 26(2), 3-20. DOI: 10.1080/10630732.2018.1485368
Angelidou, M., Psaltoglou, A., Komninos, N., Kakderi, C., Tsarchopoulos, P., & Panori, A. . (2018). Enhancing sustainable urban development through smart city applications. Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, 9(2), 146-169.
N. Komninos, C. Kakderi, A. Panori, E. Garcia, K. Fellnhofer, A. Reid, V. Cvijanović, M. Roman, M. Deakin, L. Mora, A. Reid. (2018). Intelligence and co-creation in Smart Specialisation Strategies: Towards the next stage of RIS3. Online S3 White Paper.
Komninos, N. (2017). "Innovation under the smart paradigm: Smart specialisation and smart cities setting the innovation policy agenda",. Limburg, pp. 143-151.
Angelidou, M., Komninos, N., Passas, I., Psaltoglou, A. and Tsarchopoulos, P. (2017). Monitoring the Impact of Smart Specialisation Strategies Across EU Regions,. ICEIRD 2017 Proceedings.
Tsarchopoulos, P,. Komninos, N. and Kakderi, C. (2017). Smart Cities and Regions as Systems of Innovation. Special Issue of the journal Systems, 2017, 5(1).
Kakderi C., Tsarchopoulos, P., Komninos, N., and Simitopoulos, D. (2017). Body of Knowledge about the Migration of Public Services into the Cloud. CIP 2007-2013, STORM CLOUDS – Surfing Towards the Opportunity of Real Migration to CLOUD-based public Services.
尼克斯.可姆尼诺斯 (作者), 夏天 (译者) (N. Komninos). (2016). 智慧城市:智能环境与全方位创新策略 精装 (The Age of Intelligent Cities. Chinese edition). 机械工业出版社; 第1版 (Machinery Industry Press. First Edition).
Komninos, N. (2016). Afterword: Smart urban futures. In: Yigitcanlar, T., Technology and the city: Systems, applications and implications, pp. 172-181. Routledge.
Komninos, N. (2016). Intelligent cities and the evolution towards technology-enhanced, global, and user-driven territorial systems of innovation. In: D. Doloreux, R. Shearmur and C. Carrincazeaux (eds), Handbook on the Geography of Innovation, pp. 187-200, Edward Elgar.
Kakderi, C., Komninos, N. and Tsarchopoulos, P. (2016). Smart Cities and Cloud Computing, Special Issue. Journal of Smart Cities, Whioce Publications, Vol. 2, No 1 (2016).
Komninos, N. (2016). Intelligent Environments and Planning for Urban Renewal. Special Issue of the journal Sustainability, section "Sustainable Urban and Rural Development", Vol.8 (2016).
Kakderi, C., Komninos, N. and Tsarchopoulos, P. (2016). Smart cities and cloud computing: Introduction to the special issue. Journal of Smart Cities, Vol.2, No 1, pp. 1-3.
Komninos, N. (2016). Smart environments and smart growth: Connecting innovation strategies and digital growth strategies. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, Vol.7, No.3, pp.240 - 263.
Kakderi, C., Komninos, N., and Tsarchopoulos, P. (2016). Smart cities and cloud computing: Lessons from the STORM CLOUDS experiment. Journal of Smart Cities, vol. 2, No 1, pp. 4–13.
Angelidou, M., Komninos, N., Leal, X., Passas, I., Schoina, M., and Sefertzi E. (2015). Intelligent Transport Systems: global communities of interest for technology commercialisation and innovation". Edward Elgar Publisher.
Komninos, N., Bratsas, C., Kakderi, C., and Tsarchopoulos, P. (2015). "Smart city ontologies: Improving the effectiveness of smart city applications". Journal of Smart Cities, vol. 1(1), 1-17
Κομνηνός, Ν. και Σεφερτζή Ε. . (2014). Έξυπνη Εξειδίκευση στην Ελλάδα 2014-2020: Στρατηγικές για έρευνα, καινοτομία και παραγωγική ανανέωση. Επιστημονικό Συμβούλιο της Ελληνικής Ένωσης Τραπεζών
Κομνηνός, N. (2014). Βιομηχανία έντασης γνώσεων στην Ελλάδα: Στρατηγικές και προοπτικές στην περίοδο 2014-2020. Επιστημονικό Συμπόσιο «ΠΟΙΑ ΕΛΛΑΔΑ;» Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης, σσ. 1-8.
Komninos, N. (2014). Intelligent cities and intelligent transportation systems: linking two research agendas. 14th International Conference Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication (RelStat '14) Proceedings, I.V. Kabashkin and I.V. Yatskiv (eds), Transport and Telecommunication Institute (Latvia), K.Kordonsky Foundation (USA) and Latvian Academy of Sciences.
Komninos, N., Kakderi, C., and Tsarchopoulos, P. (2014). New services design for smart cities: a planning roadmap for user-driven innovation. Proceedings of 2014 ACM Conference, International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies for Smart Cities (WiMobCity), pp. 29-39.
Passas, I., Komninos, N. and Schina, M. (2014). T-TRANS: Benchmarking Open Innovation Platforms and Networks. Special Issue "Software Quality", (eds) J. Vinju and A. Cleve, ERCIM, No 99, 52-53.
Komninos, N., Musyck, B. and Reid, A. (2014). Smart specialisation strategies in south Europe during crisis. European Journal of Innovation Management, Special Issue: Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation in Europe, Mikel Landabaso (ed.), Vol. 17, No 4.
Komninos, N., Schaffers, H., and Pallot, M. (2013). Open Innovation and Smart Cities. EU Publications, Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology, pp. 34-42.
Komninos, N. (2013). What Makes Cities Intelligent?. In: Smart Cities: Governing, modelling and analysing the transition, Mark Deakin (ed.). Routledge, pp. 77-95
Κomninos, Ν. (2013). Intelligent cities: Towards global intelligent innovation ecosystems. In: Research Frontiers and Global Benchmarking for Building Intelligent Cities. Deng Yi Yan Hui Chao, Sheng Jian Xin, Yong Ting Ting.China Publications, pp. 1-49 (In Chinese).
Georgiou, Ch., Komninos, N. (2013). The internationalization of Greek Firms: Determinants for Relocating to Neighboring Regions of Bulgaria. ICEIRD 2013 Conference Proceedings, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 1-10.
Komninos, N. (2013). Smart Cities and the Future Internet: Innovation ecosystems of embedded spatial intelligence. ICEIRD 2013 Conference Proceedings, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 1-12.
Tsamboulatidis, I., Ververidis, D., Tsarchopoulos, P., Nikolopoulos, S. Kompatsiaris, I., and Komninos, N. . (2013). ImproveMyCity - An open source platform for direct citizen-government communication. MM '13, Proceedings of the 21st ACM international conference on Multimedia, pp. 839-842
Georgiou, Ch., Komninos, N., Sefertzi, E., Styliaras, K., Zaharis, N. (2012). Development of an Innovation Strategy for the Thessaloniki Metropolitan region. ICEIRD 2012, Sofia, pp. 298-307
Schaffers, H., Komninos N., and Ratti C. . (2012). Special Issue on Smart Applications for Smart Cities – New Approaches to Innovation: Guest Editors' Introduction. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, Vol. 2012, Νο 3, pp. II-V.
Komninos, N., Schaffers, H., and Pallot, M. (2012). Special Issue on Smart Cities and the Future Internet in Europe: Introduction. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp 119-134.
Komninos, N. And Tsarchopoulos, P. (2012). Towards Intelligent Thessaloniki: From agglomeration of apps to smart districts. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp 149-168.
Intzesiloglou,G., Kakderi, C., Komninos, N., and Zaharis, N. (2011). Identifying Successful Knowledge Exchange Practices between Academia & Industry in University-city Regions. Proceedings of International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional
Pallot, M., Trousse, Senach B., Scaffers, H., and Komninos, N. (2011). Domain Landscapes: Filling the Gap between Technology Push and Application Pull in the Context of Smart Cities. e-Challenges Conference proceedings.
Komninos, N., Schaffers, H., and Pallot, M.,. (2011). Developing a Policy Roadmap for Smart Cities and the Future Internet. e-Challenges Conference proceedings.
Komninos, N. (2011). Intelligent Cities: Variable geometries of spatial intelligence. Journal of Intelligent Buildings International, Vol. 3, pp. 1–17.
Schaffers, H., Komninos, N., Pallot, M., Trousse, B., Nilsson, M., Oliveira, A. (2011). Smart Cities and the Future Internet: Towards Cooperation Frameworks for Open Innovation. The Future Internet, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 6656/2011, pp. 431-446.
Κομνηνός, Ν. (2010). Ευφυείς πόλεις - ευφυείς συνοικίες: Ένα νέο παράδειγμα σχεδιασμού των πόλεων βασισμένο στην καινοτομία και την ευρυζωνικότητα. Τμήμα Αρχιτεκτόνων ΑΠΘ
Komninos, N., Miariti, C. Milossis D., Tsarchopoulos P., Zaharis N. (2010). Valorisation of Academic R&D: The INTERVALUE Platform. Proceedings of International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development
Komninos, N., Miariti, C. Milossis D., Tsarchopoulos P., Zaharis N. (2010). Valorisation of Academic R&D: The Intervalue Platform. International Journal of Engineering, Vol. 8.2, 213-218.
Komninos, N. (2009). Intelligent Clusters, Communities and Cities: Enhancing innovation with virtual environments and embedded systems. Special Issue of the International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development, Vol. 1, No. 4.
Komninos, N. (2009). Intelligent cities: Towards interactive and global innovation environments. International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development, Vol. 1, No.4 pp. 337 - 355.
Komninos, N. (2009). Intelligent Clusters, Communities and Cities: Enhancing innovation with virtual environments and embedded systems. Special Issue, International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development, Vol. 1, No. 4.
Komninos, N., Passas, I., Schoina, M., Sefertzi, E., and Tarani, P. (2009). Medicube: Incubator’s Innovation Platform Blueprint. Interreg IIIB – Archimed
Tsiotras, G. and Komninos, N. (2008). Advantages of regional systems of innovation: Contribution of the Regional Innovation Pole of C. Macedonia. Conference Proceedings
Komninos, N., Passas, I., Tarani, P., and Tsarchopoulos P. (2007). Four platforms for intelligent cities: Linking virtual spaces and collaborative innovation. Intelligent Environments, 2007. IE 07. 3rd IET International Conference, pp 486 - 493
Komninos, N, and Tsamis, A. (2007). The System of Innovation in Greece: Structural asymmetries and policy failure. International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development, No 1, pp 1-23
Komninos, N. (2007). Cidades Intelligentes: Sistemas de Inovação e Tecnologias da Informa ção ao serviço do Desenvolvimento das Cidades. Interface Administracao Publica Local e Regional, Anuario 2007, 5-9.
Komninos, N., Sefertzi, E., and Tsarchopoulos P. (2006). Virtual innovation environment for the exploitation of R&D. Institution of Engineering and Technology, pp. 125-136.
Komninos, N. (2006). The Greek system of innovation: Performance, asymmetries, and policy failure. Proceedings "The Greek Industry: Towards the knowledge economy", Technical Chamber of Greece, Athens, 3-5 July 2006.
Lurcovich, L., Komninos, N. Reid, A., Heydebreck, P. Pierrakis, Y. (2006). Blueprint for Regional Innovation Benchmarking. European Commission, Mutual Learning Platform, 37
Bourgogne P., Guth, M., Pelayo, E., Halvorsen, K., Komninos, N. Oswaldo, A. (2006). Strategic Intelligence and Innovative Clusters, Regional Council of Lorraine, Interreg IIIC, 58.
Komninos, N. (2005). Regional Innovation in Europe: Evolution of Theory and Policy since 1980 and Lessons for Developing countries. 2nd International Conference of UNIDO "Processes of Innovation and Learning in Dynamic City-Regions" Bangalore, 13-15 July 2005.
Κομνηνός, Ν. (2005). Δέκα προτάσεις για την ενίσχυση της καινοτομίας στην Κ. Μακεδονία. Πρακτικά Αναπτυξιακού Συνεδρίου Περιφέρειας Κ. Μακεδονίας, Θεσσαλονίκη, 10-11 Ιουνίου 2005.
Κομνηνός, Ν. (2004). Κέντρο και περιφέρεια στην ευρωπαϊκή κοινωνία της γνώσης’ Παραδείγματα. 9η Διεθνής Έκθεση Αρχιτεκτονικής Μπιενάλε Βενετίας, 46-51.
Komninos, N., Sefertzi, E., Tsarchopoulos, P. (2004). Virtual Spaces for Innovation and R&D Exploitation. XV ISPIM Annual Conference, Oslo, 20-23 June 2004
Komninos, N. (2004). Regional Intelligence: Distributed localized information systems for innovation and development. International Journal of Technology Management, Vol.28, No 3-4-5-6, 483-506.
Κομνηνός, Ν. (2002). Τοπικά παραγωγικά συστήματα στην Ελλάδα και η ανάπτυξη περιφερειακών πόλων καινοτομίας. Forum για την Επιχειρηματικότητα στην Ελλάδα, Αθήνα, Υπουργείο Ανάπτυξης, .
Κομνηνός, Ν., και Μάνος, Σ. (2002). Θεσσαλονίκη της τεχνολογίας: 10 χρόνια προγραμματισμού τεχνολογικής ανάπτυξης. Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου "Οικονομική Ιστορία της Θεσσαλονίκης", Θεσσαλονίκη 2000.
Komninos, N. (2000). 'The Hellenic RIS network' Inter-regional co-operation and innovation policy in the EU. Conference Proceedings, European Commission, DG Enterprise, Brussels.
Κafkalas, G., and Komninos, N. (1999). The Innovative region strategy: lessons from the C. Macedonia regional technology plan. In: Regional Innovation Strategies and Peripheral Regions, K. Morgan & C. Nauwelaers (eds), London, Stationary Office & London and New York, Routledge (2003), pp. 93-114.
Kelessidis, V., Vasalos, I., and Komninos, N. (1999). Planning for science and technology parks in southern Europe: Experience from Spain, Italy and Greece. XVI IASP World Conference on Science and Technology Parks, 31 August-4 September 1999, Istanbul, Turkey.
Komninos, N. (1998). The Innovative Region: The Regional Technology Plan of C. Macedonia - Η Καινοτόμος Περιφέρεια: Το περιφερειακό τεχνολογικό πρόγραμμα Κ. Μακεδονίας. Athens, Gutenberg
Komninos, N. (1998). What to expect from RIS / RITTS projects in a region?. The Innovative Region Newsletter RIS/RITTS, No 1, European Union, Regional Policy and Cohesion.
Komninos, N. (1996). After technopoles: diffused strategies for innovation and technology transfer. In: Innovation, Networks and Learning Regions, J.Simmie, Ed., J. Kingsley, London, 181-195.
Κομνηνός, Ν., και Σεφερτζή, Ε. (1996). Ενιαία Ευρωπαϊκή Αγορά και νεο-εκβιομηχάνιση στις λιγότερο αναπτυγμένες περιοχές. Πρακτικά διεθνούς συνεδρίου "Κοινωνική Πολιτική και Κοινωνικός Διάλογος στην Προοπτική της Οικονομικής Νομισματικής Ένωσης και της Ευρώπης των Πολιτών", Δελφοί, 24-28 Μαίου. Εκδόσεις Κριτική & Ευρωπαϊκό Πολιτιστικό Κέντρο Δελφών, σελ. 87-107.
Komninos, N. (1996). Latent integration of industry and technology in peripheral EU regions. Proceedings RESTPOR 96 Conference REgional Science and Technology POlicy Research, European Commission, Brussels 19-21 September 1996, pp 81-89.
Κομνηνός, Ν. (1995). Διεθνοποίηση των Ευρωπαϊκών πόλεων, το Πρότυπο Σχέδιο και ο μητροπολιτικός ρόλος της Θεσσαλονίκης. Διεθνές Συνέδριο "Αναπλάσεις Κεντρικών Περιοχών στις Ευρωπαϊκές Πόλεις", Θεσσαλονίκη Νοέμβριος 1995.
Komninos, N. (1995). The Globalisation of Production and Technology. (by J. Howells and M. Wood, London, Belhaven), Environment and Planning A, Vol. 26, No 12, 1983-84.
Κομνηνός, Ν. (1995). Το περιφερειακό τεχνολογικό πρόγραμμα Κ. Μακεδονίας. Τόπος - Επιθεώρηση Αστικών και Περιφερειακών Μελετών, Νο 10, 148-152.
Komninos, N. (1995). Antipolis: essai sur les espaces de l'après-fordisme. Annuaire Scientifique de l'École Polytechnique, Université Aristote de Thessalonique, vol. IΓ, 150-223.
Komninos, N. (1994). Technopoles and science parks in Europe. In: Conference Proceedings "Urban Policies and Environmental Issues in the Age of Economic Restructuring". J. Matthews and M. Clark (eds), pp. 21-24.
Komninos, N. (1994). Technology in the Gardens: research parks and regional economic development. (by Michael I. Luger & Harvey A. Goldstein, The University of North Carolina Press, 1991), Environment and Planning, Vol. 26, No 1, 156-57.
Κομνηνός, Ν. (1994). Θεσσαλονίκη Μητρόπολη των Βαλκανίων. Τόπος - Επιθεώρηση Αστικών και Περιφερειακών Μελετών 7, 192-199.
Κομνηνός, Ν. (1993). Καινοτομία, τοπικότητα και νέα μοντέλα περιφερειακής πολιτικής. Πρακτικά συνεδρίου "Η Ελλάδα στην Ευρώπη - Χωροταξία και Περιφερειακή Πολιτική προς το 2000", ΤΕΕ, Αθήνα, 6-8 Δεκεμβρίου 1993, σελ. 191-208.
Κομνηνός, Ν., και Χατζηπαντελής Θ. (1993). Ευέλικτη παραγωγή, μεταφορά τεχνολογίας και η ανάπτυξη των επιστημονικών πάρκων. Σύγχρονα Θέματα, Νο 49, 81-92.
Κομνηνός, Ν. (1993). Τεχνολογία στους κήπους: Ερευνητικά πάρκα και περιφερειακή οικονομική ανάπτυξη. Τόπος. Επιθεώρηση Αστικών και Περιφερειακών Μελετών, Νο 6, 158-160.
Komninos, N. (1993). Innovative growth in peripheral regions: some implications for Greece. Urban and Regional Development in the New Europe, Topos Editions, Athens, 193-206.
Κομνηνός, Ν., και Σεφερτζή Ε. (1992). Επιστημονικά Πάρκα και η ανάπτυξη της μεταφορντικής βιομηχανίας. Τόπος - Επιθεώρηση Αστικών και Περιφερειακών Μελετών, Νο 5, 7-29.
Κομνηνός, Ν. (1992). Eυελιξία, ΜΜΕ και τοπική ανάπτυξη στην Ελλάδα. Τόπος - Επιθεώρηση Αστικών και Περιφερειακών Μελετών, Νο 4, 171-174.
Komninos, N. (1992). Les nouveaux espaces de croissance: la naissance des centres du développement postfordiste. Espaces et Societés, No 66-67, pp 217-234
Κομνηνός, Ν. (1991). Aπό τις ΒΙ.ΠΕ στα Επιστημονικά Πάρκα: η οργάνωση της ευέλικτης παραγωγής στην Ελλάδα. In: Βιομηχανικές Περιοχές. Προβλήματα και Προοπτικές. Μελέτες στη Χωρική Ανάλυση, No. 2, 55-65.
Κομνηνός, Ν. (1990). Η ανοικοδόμηση της Θεσσαλονίκης μετά την πυρκαγιά του 1917. της Α. Καραδήμου, (Εκδόσεις Δήμου Θεσσαλονίκης), Τεχνική Ενημέρωση, Νο 1, 5-7.
Κομνηνός, Ν. (1990). Τοπική ευελιξία και η κρίση της βιομηχανίας στην Ελλάδα. Τόπος - Επιθεώρηση Αστικών και Περιφερειακών Μελετών, 1, 81-92.
Gottdiener, M., and Komninos, N. (1989). Capitalist development and crisis theory. An introduction. London, Macmillan Publications and New-York, St Martin's Press, 1-17.
Gottdiener, M. and Komninos, N. (eds). (1989). Capitalist Development and Crisis Theory. Accumulation, Regulation and Spatial Restructuring. London, Mcmillan Publishers; New York, St Martin's Press.
Gottdeiner, Mark, and Komninos, Nicos. (1989). Capitalist Development and Crisis Theory: Accumulation, Regulation and Spatial Restructuring. Palgrave, Macmillan
Koμνηνός, Ν., και Σεφερτζή, Ε. (1988). Νέοι πόλοι ανάπτυξης: κρίση και αναδιάρθρωση των κέντρων της ανάπτυξης. Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου, Γενική Γραμματεία Έρευνας και Τεχνολογίας.
Komninos, N., and Sefertzi, E. (1988). Spatial strategies for industrial modernization and recovery prospects. Samos Proceedings, 276-283
Chadjimichalis, K. and Komninos, N. (eds). (1988). Restructuring of Labour Processes and New Forms of Urbanization. Samos Seminar Proceedings, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Komninos, N. (1988). Technological change and metropolitan development. Scientific Yearbook of School of Technology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Vol. ΙΑ, 13-24.
Κομνηνός, Ν. (1984). Αστική Ανάλυση: εισαγωγή στις μεθόδους και τεχνικές. Θεσσαλονίκη, Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης, Έκδοση Υπηρεσίας Δημοσιευμάτων
Komninos, N., Sefertzi E. . (1984). Processus de développement et différenciation spatiale. P.H. Chombart de Lauwe (ed) CESP, Paris, 245-257.
Komninos, N. (1984). Social relations of production and urban space. E. Pol, J. Muntanola, M. Morales (eds) , Publicacions I Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, 220-229.
尼克斯.可姆尼诺斯 (作者), 夏天 (译者) (N. Komninos). (2016). 智慧城市:智能环境与全方位创新策略 精装 (The Age of Intelligent Cities. Chinese edition). 机械工业出版社; 第1版 (Machinery Industry Press. First Edition).
Komninos, N. (1998). The Innovative Region: The Regional Technology Plan of C. Macedonia - Η Καινοτόμος Περιφέρεια: Το περιφερειακό τεχνολογικό πρόγραμμα Κ. Μακεδονίας. Athens, Gutenberg
Κομνηνός, Ν. (1984). Αστική Ανάλυση: εισαγωγή στις μεθόδους και τεχνικές. Θεσσαλονίκη, Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης, Έκδοση Υπηρεσίας Δημοσιευμάτων
Komninos, N. (1982). Espace Urbain, Architecture et Idéologie. Annuaire Scientifique de l’Université d’Aristote
Κομνηνός, Ν. (1982). Ανάπτυξη της Πόλης και Προγραμματισμός. Θεσσαλονίκη, Τίμαιος
Komninos, N. and Kakderi, C. (2019). Smart Cities in the Post-algorithmic Era: Integrating technologies, platforms and governance. Edward Elgar, Cities series.
Gottdeiner, Mark, and Komninos, Nicos. (1989). Capitalist Development and Crisis Theory: Accumulation, Regulation and Spatial Restructuring. Palgrave, Macmillan
Chadjimichalis, K. and Komninos, N. (eds). (1988). Restructuring of Labour Processes and New Forms of Urbanization. Samos Seminar Proceedings, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Samara, E., Kilintzis, P., Komninos, N., Anastasiou, A., and Martinidis, G. (2024). Assessment of Smart Technologies in Regional Innovation Systems: A Novel Methodological Approach to the Regionalisation of National Indicators. Systems 2024, 12(1).
Komninos, N. (2022). Net Zero Energy Districts: Connected Intelligence for Carbon-Neutral Cities. Land 2022, 11, 210.
Komninos, N. (2022). Transformation of Industry Ecosystems in Cities and Regions: A Generic Pathway for Smart and Green Transition. Sustainability 14, no. 15: 9694.
Samara, E., Andronikidis, A., Komninos, N., Bakouros, Y. & Katsoras, E. (2022). The Role of Digital Technologies for Regional Development: a System Dynamics Analysis. Journal of the Knowledge Economy (2022).
Chalikias, A.P., Tsampoulatidis, I., Tsalakanidou, F., Nikolopoulos, S., Kompatsiaris, I., Komninos, N., Doudouliakis, K., Papastergios, G., Papafilis, P., Karkaletsi, S., Chatzis, C. (2021). Evidence-driven policy-making using heterogeneous data sources—The case of a controlled parking system in Thessaloniki. Data & Policy, vol. 2, 2020, e15.
Kakderi, C., Komninos, N., Panori, A., Oikonomaki, E. (2021). Next City: Learning from Cities During COVID-19 to Tackle Climate Change. Sustainability 2021, 13(6), 3158.
Komninos, N., Kakderi, C., Mora, L., Panori, A., and Sefertzi, E. (2021). Towards High Impact Smart Cities: a Universal Architecture Based on Connected Intelligence Spaces. Journal of Knowledge Economy.
Komninos, N., Panori, A. and Kakderi, C. (2021). The Smart City Ontology 2.0: Assessing the components and interdependencies of city smartness. Preprints 2021, 2021080101.
Komninos, N., Tsampoulatidis, I., Kakderi, C., Nikolopoulos, S., and Kompatsiaris, I. (2021). Projects for intelligent and smart cities: technology and innovation transforming city ecosystems. Preprints 2021, 2021080080.
Komninos, Ν., Kakderi, C., Panori, A., Garcia, E., Fellnhofer, K., Reid, A., Cvijanović, V., Roman, M.A., Deakin, M., Mora, L. (2021). Intelligence and Co-Creation in Smart Specialisation Strategies: Towards the Next Stage of RIS3. ArchiDOCT 17, 9 (1) DATA Vol. 17, Issue 9 (1), 2021 August 05, 2021 BST.
Martinidis, G., Komninos, N., Carayannis, E. (2021). Taking into Account the Human Factor in Regional Innovation Systems and Policies. Journal of Knowledge Economy.
Martinidis, G., Komninos, N., Dyjakon, A., Minta, S., Hejna, M. (2021). How Intellectual Capital Predicts Innovation Output in EU Regions. Implications for Sustainable Development. Sustainability, 13, 14036.
Komninos, N., Kakderi, C., Collado, A., Papadaki, I., and Panori, A. (2020). Digital Transformation of City Ecosystems: Platforms Shaping Engagement and Externalities across Vertical Markets. Journal of Urban Technology, Vol 28 (1-2), pp. 93-114, DOI: 10.1080/10630732.2020.1805712
Panori, A., Kakderi, C., Komninos, N., Fellnhofer, K., Reid, A., and Mora, L. (2020). Smart systems of innovation for smart places: Challenges in deploying digital platforms for co-creation and data-intelligence. Land Use Policy, available online 13 April 2020.
Anastasia Martzopoulou and Nicos Komninos. (2019). The Effect of Solar Energy on The Environmental Impacts and Sustainability of Food Industry. Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management, 7(3), 323-321.
Tsarchopoulos, P,. Komninos, N. and Kakderi, C. . (2018). "Accelerating the uptake of smart city applications through cloud computing.". International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering Vol. 11, No.1.
Komninos, N. and Mora, L. (2018). Exploring the big picture of smart city research. Scienze Regionali–The Italian Journal of Regional Science. Special issue "Smart Cities: past achievements and future challenges", Andrea Caragliu and Chiara Del Bo (eds).
N. Komninos, C. Kakderi, A. Panori, and P. Tsarchopoulos. (2018). Smart City Planning from an Evolutionary Perspective. Journal of Urban Technology, 26(2), 3-20. DOI: 10.1080/10630732.2018.1485368
Angelidou, M., Psaltoglou, A., Komninos, N., Kakderi, C., Tsarchopoulos, P., & Panori, A. . (2018). Enhancing sustainable urban development through smart city applications. Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, 9(2), 146-169.
Kakderi, C., Komninos, N. and Tsarchopoulos, P. (2016). Smart cities and cloud computing: Introduction to the special issue. Journal of Smart Cities, Vol.2, No 1, pp. 1-3.
Komninos, N. (2016). Smart environments and smart growth: Connecting innovation strategies and digital growth strategies. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, Vol.7, No.3, pp.240 - 263.
Kakderi, C., Komninos, N., and Tsarchopoulos, P. (2016). Smart cities and cloud computing: Lessons from the STORM CLOUDS experiment. Journal of Smart Cities, vol. 2, No 1, pp. 4–13.
Komninos, N., Bratsas, C., Kakderi, C., and Tsarchopoulos, P. (2015). "Smart city ontologies: Improving the effectiveness of smart city applications". Journal of Smart Cities, vol. 1(1), 1-17
Passas, I., Komninos, N. and Schina, M. (2014). T-TRANS: Benchmarking Open Innovation Platforms and Networks. Special Issue "Software Quality", (eds) J. Vinju and A. Cleve, ERCIM, No 99, 52-53.
Komninos, N., Musyck, B. and Reid, A. (2014). Smart specialisation strategies in south Europe during crisis. European Journal of Innovation Management, Special Issue: Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation in Europe, Mikel Landabaso (ed.), Vol. 17, No 4.
Komninos, N., Schaffers, H., and Pallot, M. (2012). Special Issue on Smart Cities and the Future Internet in Europe: Introduction. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp 119-134.
Komninos, N. And Tsarchopoulos, P. (2012). Towards Intelligent Thessaloniki: From agglomeration of apps to smart districts. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp 149-168.
Komninos, N. (2011). Intelligent Cities: Variable geometries of spatial intelligence. Journal of Intelligent Buildings International, Vol. 3, pp. 1–17.
Schaffers, H., Komninos, N., Pallot, M., Trousse, B., Nilsson, M., Oliveira, A. (2011). Smart Cities and the Future Internet: Towards Cooperation Frameworks for Open Innovation. The Future Internet, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 6656/2011, pp. 431-446.
Komninos, N., Miariti, C. Milossis D., Tsarchopoulos P., Zaharis N. (2010). Valorisation of Academic R&D: The Intervalue Platform. International Journal of Engineering, Vol. 8.2, 213-218.
Komninos, N. (2009). Intelligent cities: Towards interactive and global innovation environments. International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development, Vol. 1, No.4 pp. 337 - 355.
Komninos, N. (2009). Intelligent Clusters, Communities and Cities: Enhancing innovation with virtual environments and embedded systems. Special Issue, International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development, Vol. 1, No. 4.
Komninos, N, and Tsamis, A. (2007). The System of Innovation in Greece: Structural asymmetries and policy failure. International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development, No 1, pp 1-23
Komninos, N. (2007). Cidades Intelligentes: Sistemas de Inovação e Tecnologias da Informa ção ao serviço do Desenvolvimento das Cidades. Interface Administracao Publica Local e Regional, Anuario 2007, 5-9.
Komninos, N. (2004). Regional Intelligence: Distributed localized information systems for innovation and development. International Journal of Technology Management, Vol.28, No 3-4-5-6, 483-506.
Komninos, N. (1995). The Globalisation of Production and Technology. (by J. Howells and M. Wood, London, Belhaven), Environment and Planning A, Vol. 26, No 12, 1983-84.
Κομνηνός, Ν. (1995). Το περιφερειακό τεχνολογικό πρόγραμμα Κ. Μακεδονίας. Τόπος - Επιθεώρηση Αστικών και Περιφερειακών Μελετών, Νο 10, 148-152.
Komninos, N. (1995). Antipolis: essai sur les espaces de l'après-fordisme. Annuaire Scientifique de l'École Polytechnique, Université Aristote de Thessalonique, vol. IΓ, 150-223.
Komninos, N. (1994). Technology in the Gardens: research parks and regional economic development. (by Michael I. Luger & Harvey A. Goldstein, The University of North Carolina Press, 1991), Environment and Planning, Vol. 26, No 1, 156-57.
Κομνηνός, Ν. (1994). Θεσσαλονίκη Μητρόπολη των Βαλκανίων. Τόπος - Επιθεώρηση Αστικών και Περιφερειακών Μελετών 7, 192-199.
Κομνηνός, Ν., και Χατζηπαντελής Θ. (1993). Ευέλικτη παραγωγή, μεταφορά τεχνολογίας και η ανάπτυξη των επιστημονικών πάρκων. Σύγχρονα Θέματα, Νο 49, 81-92.
Κομνηνός, Ν. (1993). Τεχνολογία στους κήπους: Ερευνητικά πάρκα και περιφερειακή οικονομική ανάπτυξη. Τόπος. Επιθεώρηση Αστικών και Περιφερειακών Μελετών, Νο 6, 158-160.
Komninos, N. (1993). Innovative growth in peripheral regions: some implications for Greece. Urban and Regional Development in the New Europe, Topos Editions, Athens, 193-206.
Κομνηνός, Ν., και Σεφερτζή Ε. (1992). Επιστημονικά Πάρκα και η ανάπτυξη της μεταφορντικής βιομηχανίας. Τόπος - Επιθεώρηση Αστικών και Περιφερειακών Μελετών, Νο 5, 7-29.
Κομνηνός, Ν. (1992). Eυελιξία, ΜΜΕ και τοπική ανάπτυξη στην Ελλάδα. Τόπος - Επιθεώρηση Αστικών και Περιφερειακών Μελετών, Νο 4, 171-174.
Komninos, N. (1992). Les nouveaux espaces de croissance: la naissance des centres du développement postfordiste. Espaces et Societés, No 66-67, pp 217-234
Κομνηνός, Ν. (1991). Aπό τις ΒΙ.ΠΕ στα Επιστημονικά Πάρκα: η οργάνωση της ευέλικτης παραγωγής στην Ελλάδα. In: Βιομηχανικές Περιοχές. Προβλήματα και Προοπτικές. Μελέτες στη Χωρική Ανάλυση, No. 2, 55-65.
Κομνηνός, Ν. (1990). Η ανοικοδόμηση της Θεσσαλονίκης μετά την πυρκαγιά του 1917. της Α. Καραδήμου, (Εκδόσεις Δήμου Θεσσαλονίκης), Τεχνική Ενημέρωση, Νο 1, 5-7.
Κομνηνός, Ν. (1990). Τοπική ευελιξία και η κρίση της βιομηχανίας στην Ελλάδα. Τόπος - Επιθεώρηση Αστικών και Περιφερειακών Μελετών, 1, 81-92.
Komninos, N. (1988). Technological change and metropolitan development. Scientific Yearbook of School of Technology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Vol. ΙΑ, 13-24.
Carayannis, EG., Komninos, N., Sindakis, S. (2024). Digital Platforms, Generative AI, and the Future of Territorial Innovation Systems: Navigating the New Landscape of Intelligence and Innovation. Special Issue of the Journal TECHNOVATION.
Tsarchopoulos, P,. Komninos, N. and Kakderi, C. (2017). Smart Cities and Regions as Systems of Innovation. Special Issue of the journal Systems, 2017, 5(1).
Kakderi, C., Komninos, N. and Tsarchopoulos, P. (2016). Smart Cities and Cloud Computing, Special Issue. Journal of Smart Cities, Whioce Publications, Vol. 2, No 1 (2016).
Komninos, N. (2016). Intelligent Environments and Planning for Urban Renewal. Special Issue of the journal Sustainability, section "Sustainable Urban and Rural Development", Vol.8 (2016).
Schaffers, H., Komninos N., and Ratti C. . (2012). Special Issue on Smart Applications for Smart Cities – New Approaches to Innovation: Guest Editors' Introduction. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, Vol. 2012, Νο 3, pp. II-V.
Komninos, N. (2009). Intelligent Clusters, Communities and Cities: Enhancing innovation with virtual environments and embedded systems. Special Issue of the International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development, Vol. 1, No. 4.
Samara, E., Kilintzis, P., Komninos, N., Kosti, P., and Vardaka, A. (2025). A Methodological Framework for Tailoring National Indicators to Regional Contexts. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Research in Management, Business and Finance, Vol. 1, Issue. 1, 2024, pp. 1-11
Syrmos, E., Bechtsis, D., Tsampoulatidis, I., Komninos, N. (2023). An IoT Framework for Heterogeneous Multi-layered Access in Smart Cities. In: Streitz, N.A., Konomi, S. (eds) Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions. HCII 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14037. Springer, Cham.
Katmada, A., Komninos, N., Kakderi, C. (2022). The Landscape of Digital Platforms for Bottom-Up Collaboration, Creativity, and Innovation Creation. In: Streitz, N.A., Konomi, S. (eds) Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions. Smart Environments, Ecosystems, and Cities. HCII 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13325. Springer, Cham.
Tsampoulatidis, I., Komninos, N., Syrmos, E., & Bechtsis, D. (2022). Universality and Interoperability Across Smart City Ecosystems. In: Streitz, N.A., Konomi, S. (eds) Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions. Smart Environments, Ecosystems, and Cities. HCII 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13325, Springer, Cham. Best paper award, 10th International Conference on Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions (DAPI), an affiliated conference of the Human-Computer-Interaction International 2022 Conference.
Andronikidis, A., Samara, E., Bakouros, I., Komninos, N., Katsoras, E. (2021). System dynamics modelling to study the impact of digital technologies on regional development. 6th South-East Europe Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference (SEEDA-CECNSM).
Komninos, N. (2020). The new logic of environmental sustainability under the smart everything paradigm. ERSA 2020-Web Conference- Spatial Challenges for the New World, pp. 1-13.
Kakderi, C., Fellnhofer, K., Panori, N., & Komninos, N. (2019). Online Mechanisms for Smart Specialisation Facilitate the Entrepreneurial Discovery Process. Academy of Management Global Proceedings, No 2018.
Κομνηνός, Ν., Κακδέρη, Χ., Πανώρη, Α., Τσαρχόπουλος, Π., Μαρτζοπούλου, Α. (2018). Η εξελικτική λογική στο σχεδιασμό ψηφιακών υποδομών της Θεσσαλονίκης. Πρακτικά συνεδρίου "Πόλη υπό κατασκευή: σχέδια, διαδικασίες και πρακτικές για τον χώρο της Θεσσαλονίκης" σελ. 212-219.
Komninos, N. (2018). "Internet Platforms, Disruptive Innovation and Smart Growth",. 20th Scientific Conference of the Hellenic Regional Association. Regions at a Turning Point. Athens, 4-5 June 2018.
Panori, A., Komninos, N., Kakderi, C. and Fellnhofer, K. (2018). "Smart Specialisation Strategies: An online platform for strategy design and assessment",. 17th International Conference Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication (RelStat’17), Springer, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems.
Komninos, N. (2018). Connected Intelligence in Smart Cities: Shared, engagement and awareness spaces for innovation. Jheronimus Academy of Data Science.
Komninos, N., Passas I., Schoina. M, and Martinidis, G. (2018). Setting up Communities of Interest for the ITS Industry. Proceedings, ICTTE Belgrade 2018.
Tsampoulatidis, I., Kompatsiaris, I., and Komninos, N. (2018). From E-Government to We-Government: an analysis towards participatory public services in the context of the H2020 WeGovNow project. Proceedings, International Conference on Information Society and Smart Cities (ISC 2018), University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K, 27-28 June, 2018.
Angelidou, M., Komninos, N., Passas, I., Psaltoglou, A. and Tsarchopoulos, P. (2017). Monitoring the Impact of Smart Specialisation Strategies Across EU Regions,. ICEIRD 2017 Proceedings.
Κομνηνός, N. (2014). Βιομηχανία έντασης γνώσεων στην Ελλάδα: Στρατηγικές και προοπτικές στην περίοδο 2014-2020. Επιστημονικό Συμπόσιο «ΠΟΙΑ ΕΛΛΑΔΑ;» Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης, σσ. 1-8.
Komninos, N. (2014). Intelligent cities and intelligent transportation systems: linking two research agendas. 14th International Conference Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication (RelStat '14) Proceedings, I.V. Kabashkin and I.V. Yatskiv (eds), Transport and Telecommunication Institute (Latvia), K.Kordonsky Foundation (USA) and Latvian Academy of Sciences.
Komninos, N., Kakderi, C., and Tsarchopoulos, P. (2014). New services design for smart cities: a planning roadmap for user-driven innovation. Proceedings of 2014 ACM Conference, International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies for Smart Cities (WiMobCity), pp. 29-39.
Georgiou, Ch., Komninos, N. (2013). The internationalization of Greek Firms: Determinants for Relocating to Neighboring Regions of Bulgaria. ICEIRD 2013 Conference Proceedings, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 1-10.
Komninos, N. (2013). Smart Cities and the Future Internet: Innovation ecosystems of embedded spatial intelligence. ICEIRD 2013 Conference Proceedings, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 1-12.
Tsamboulatidis, I., Ververidis, D., Tsarchopoulos, P., Nikolopoulos, S. Kompatsiaris, I., and Komninos, N. . (2013). ImproveMyCity - An open source platform for direct citizen-government communication. MM '13, Proceedings of the 21st ACM international conference on Multimedia, pp. 839-842
Georgiou, Ch., Komninos, N., Sefertzi, E., Styliaras, K., Zaharis, N. (2012). Development of an Innovation Strategy for the Thessaloniki Metropolitan region. ICEIRD 2012, Sofia, pp. 298-307
Intzesiloglou,G., Kakderi, C., Komninos, N., and Zaharis, N. (2011). Identifying Successful Knowledge Exchange Practices between Academia & Industry in University-city Regions. Proceedings of International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional
Pallot, M., Trousse, Senach B., Scaffers, H., and Komninos, N. (2011). Domain Landscapes: Filling the Gap between Technology Push and Application Pull in the Context of Smart Cities. e-Challenges Conference proceedings.
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