OSLO: Support services for the "Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support Mechanism of Central Macedonia", which includes analysis and evaluation of the regional innovation system, facilitation of the Entrepreneurial Discovery Process (EDP), organization and development of an open innovation platform, and technical support of a performance information system for the regional innovation strategy, ensuring real-time monitoring, and data-driven decision-making for strategy implementation. (2024 - 2029) .
ReGenWest: Thessaloniki West Center Green Deal is a project funded by EIT Climate-KIC. The vision is to develop a holistic Local Green Deal by fostering integrated actions and multi-level engagement, thereby unlocking pathways to climate neutrality. The Thessaloniki pilot is built around its Climate Contract’s flagship interventions, including systemic solutions for sustainable mobility, nature-based solutions, the integration of renewable energy into public spaces and infrastructures, and a reflexive governance model. These efforts aim to accelerate progress towards climate neutrality and establish a transferable, replicable renovation model for other urban districts. (2024 - 2026) .
MOBI-TWIN: “Twin transition and changing patterns of spatial mobility: a regional approach” (2023 - 2026) European Commission, Horizon Europe. SUMMARY: A Horizon Europe project that focuses on major global transition processes, such as the green and digital transition, which require redefining the changing nature of regional attractiveness and capturing shifts in the drivers and effects of spatial mobility. It builds on the idea that the twin transition affects substantially regional attractiveness. The project uses big data and agent-based modelling to analyse the impact of changing patterns of spatial mobility and the potential policy support to small and mi-sized companies.
CLIMATE CONTRACT: Smart Carbon Neutral Action Plan for the City of Thessaloniki (2023 - 2023) City of Thessaloniki in the framework of the EU Mission “100 climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030”. SUMMARY: Thessaloniki's pathways towards climate neutrality to reduce by 80% emissions from all sectors with widespread installation of renewable energy in the public space, renovation and upgrading of the building stock, sustainable/green means of transport, recycling to reach the European targets, and land use & green infrastructure, with extensive tree planting, increasing the area covered by tree foliage, nature-based solutions to reduce heat islands, noise absorption, and protection of biodiversity. .
Identification and data analysis of economic activities, human skills, and research outcomes at regional level (2022 - 2022) National Documentation Centre. SUMMARY: This survey identified important branches of economic activity (3-digit NACE groups), research activities, human resources, and emerging industries, at the level of Regional Units (NUTS2) of Greece. Statistical data document that any improvement of the Greek economy cannot be expected by emerging activities, as their dynamics are limited in terms of new businesses creation, employment growth, and added value increase. On the contrary, any improvements in the country's economic performance must be expected from existing industrial and service activities, especially those with critical mass and specialisation.
STEI RED: Smart Technologies and Innovation Systems in Regional Development - Modelling with System Dynamics. (2020 - 2022) Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation. SUMMARY: A research project that focuses on the convergence of smart technologies and innovation systems in regional development. It uses system dynamics modelling to examine the interdependencies between innovation performance and digital infrastructure and se-ervices at the regional level.
DASHBOARD for INNOVATION: Design and Development of Online Platform for Measuring Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Central Macedonia (2019 - 2023) Regional Government of Central Macedonia, Greece. SUMMARY: The Dashboard is aligned with the regional smart specialisation strategy. It is structured and visualizes data related to (i) the performance of the region, (ii) industry sectors selected as priority activities in the regional smart specialisation strategy, and (iii) the implementation progress of the regional innovation programme.
RIS3 2021-2027: Good Governance RIS3 2021-2027 Enabling Conditions (2019 - 2020) European Commission, DG Regional and Urban Policy. SUMMARY: Findings of surveys and policy recommendations on smart specialisation governance, mainly EDP, and how national/regional authorities in Greece and Cyprus should comply with Policy Objective 1 for ‘Smarter Europe'. The project examined how digital platforms can improve innovation in the most important industry sectors through setting ecosystems and collaborative business alliances.
DCC: Digital City Transformation Strategy for Sofia (2018 - 2019) Technopolis in the framework of European Digital Cities Challenge, European Commission, DG Grow. SUMMARY: The project searches for complementarities and synergies between existing policies involving digital priorities (e.g. smart specialisation, digital city, e-government) and the newly planned policy actions supporting digital transformation. It was realised in the framework of the Digital Cities Challenge, an initiative of the European Commission to achieve sustainable economic growth by integrating advanced digital technologies.
LARGE-SCALE TRIALS: Evaluation of OpenBudgets.eu Platform. (2017 - 2018) Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems IAIS. SUMMARY: A testing and evaluation project, funded by the Fraunhofer Institute, assessing the digital applications developed in the framework of the OpenBudgets.eu project. Testing covered (1) Technical Trials on the OpenBudgets.eu platform, using budgetary data of the Municipality of Thessaloniki, (2) Group discussions with key personnel of the municipality of Thessaloniki, regarding the functionality offered by the OpenBudgets.eu platform, (3) Consultation with a group of external experts. Tested apps included: Data Ingestion and Transformations; Visualisations and KPIs; Microsite; Indigo Data Mining; and Participatory Budgeting Platform.
SSTE: Science and technology evaluation - Program for Industrial and Innovative Development of Kazakhstan (2017 - 2017) National Centre of Science and Technology Evaluation, Republic of Kazakhstan .
NEWBITS: New Business Models for Intelligent Transport Systems (2016 - 2019) Horizon 2020, European Commission, Research Executive Agency. SUMMARY: A Horizon 2020 project, NEWBITS (New Business Models for ITS) focuses on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), which have a great potential for making passenger and freight transport greener and more efficient. Nevertheless, the introduction of ITS into the market remains a major challenge. Collaboration of different stakeholders is thereby key for success. The project launched the NEWBITS Network Platform (NNP) to address these issues and elaborate collaborative ITS business models.
ONLINE S3: Online Platform for Smart Specialisation Policy Advice (2016 - 2018) Horizon 2020, European Commission, Research Executive Agency, GA 710659. SUMMARY: A Horizon2020 project which aims to develop an e-policy platform augmented with a toolbox of online applications and e-services to assist EU national and regional authorities in elaborating or revising their smart specialisation strategies. The Online S3 platform leverages existing methodologies, initiatives and tools developed by the EC for the RIS3, but it also investigates and tests new and innovative technologies, tools and e-services to strengthen regional innovation capacities and performance.
NORDFORSK-2015: Assessment of Nordic-Baltic research on user-driven innovation in health and welfare. (2015 - 2015) NordForsk-Nordic Programme on Health and Welfare.
Mastering innovation in Serbia: Development and implementation of interdisciplinary post-graduate curricula in innovation management (2014 - 2016) European Commission – TEMPUS IV.
Assessment of RIS3 ex-ante conditionality compliance and coherence between RIS3 and Greek Operational Programmes (2014 - 2015) European Commission, Directorate General of Regional and Urban Policy.
Digital platform for business audit and benchmarking (2013 - 2015) Institute of Small Businesses, General Confederation of Industry and Commerce of Greece.
Development of Web 2.0 content management system to underpin the regional innovation ecosystems of Belarus and Ukraine Universities (2013 - 2014) University of Bradford, School of Management.
Assessment of the Digital Growth Strategy of Burgundy, France (2013 - 2014) European Commission, Joint Research Center, IPTS.
Review of ongoing RIS3 processes and other development strategies proposed by stakeholders in the 13 Greek regions (2013 - 2013) European Commission, Directorate General of Regional and Urban Policy.
Research and Innovation Strategies (RIS3) and entrepreneurial process in Greece (2013 - 2013) European Commission, Directorate General of Regional and Urban Policy.
INNOSEE: Seeding innovation - Training of research driven clusters (2012 - 2014) European Commission – EACEA- Leonardo Da Vinci.
Assessment and policy advice for the development of a national strategy for smart specialisation for Greece and regional strategies for the 13 Greek regions (2012 - 2012) European Commission, Directorate General of Regional and Urban Policy.
PEOPLE: Pilot smart urban ecosystems leveraging open innovation for promoting and enabling future e- services (2010 - 2012) FP7 Objective ICT-2009 1.6 Future Internet experimental facility and experimentally-driven research.
FIREBALL: Future internet research and experimentation by adopting living labs - towards smart cities (2010 - 2012) FP7 Objective ICT-2009 1.6 Future Internet experimental facility and experimentally-driven research.
MEDLAB: Mediterranean living lab for territorial innovation - INNO SME networks pilot action (2010 - 2011) Regional Development Fund of Central Macedonia.
New perspectives of European innovation and cohesion policies (2010 - 2011) Management Organisation Unit of Development Programmes.
Implementing Leed for Neighborhood Development: Planning a new city district in western Kozani (2010 - 2010) ANKO Development Agency of Western Macedonia.
Sustainability study of Mavrodenrdi settlement in Kozani (2010 - 2010) Prefectural Authority of Kozani .
NORDFORSK-2010: Evaluation of proposals for the call "innovations in cross-border living lab structures - empowering users in real life settings" (2010 - 0) NordForsk (Nordic Research Board) & Research Council of Norway (RCN), Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (VINNOVA), Danish Council for Strategic Research (DCSR), Icelandic Centre for Research (RANNIS), Research Council of Lithuania (LMT).
Regional innovation pole of Thessaly - evaluation (2008 - 2010) Greek National Centre for Research and Development of Thessaly.
Intelligent Thessaloniki: design of integrated project, opc 2007-13 (2008 - 2009) Greek Ministry of Development, General Secretariat of Industry.
Clusters, strategic alliances and networking of SMEs: principles of functioning, sustainability and effectiveness, opc 2007-13 (2008 - 0) Greek Ministry of Development, General Secretariat of Industry, GR.
Regional innovation pole western Macedonia - evaluation (2007 - 2008) University of Western Macedonia, Greece.
The future of industry in Thessaloniki (2007 - 2008) Thessaloniki Master Plan Authority.
NETFORCE : Technology transfer center of Peloponnese (2007 - 2008) European Commission – DG Regio.
EMERIPA: European methodology for regional innovation impact and benchmarking (2005 - 2007) European Commission DG Enterprise.
RIS BRIDGE SW BG: Regional innovation strategy for the south west region of Bulgaria - RIS BRIDGE SW BG (2005 - 2007) European Commission DG Enterprise.
Innovation and employment strategy for Thessaly (2004 - 2005) European Commission Social Fund, - Region of Thessaly.
ISTOS: Benchmarking technique implementation in tourism (2004 - 2005) European Commission. DG Regio. ERDF Innovative Actions 2000-2006 – Region of South Aegean.
E-cluster: Physical and virtual networks in western Macedonia (2003 - 2005) European Commission, DG Regio, ERDF Innovative Actions 2000-2006 – Region of Western Macedonia.
Innovation award central Macedonia (2003 - 2005) European Commission, DG Regio, ERDF Innovative Actions 2000-2006 – Region of C. Macedonia.
K-CLUSTERS in western Macedonia - evaluation (2003 - 2005) European Commission, DG Regio, ERDF Innovative Actions 2000-2006 -Region of Western Macedonia.
Spin-off: Digital innovation technologies (2003 - 2004) General Secretariat for Research and Technology.
PANDORA: Pilot action for the development of virtual economy in agricultural regions (2002 - 2005) European Commission IST-2001-33096, Specific programme for research, technological development and demonstration on a user-friendly information society .
VERITE: Virtual environment for regional innovation technologies (2002 - 2004) European Commission Programme “Promotion of Innovation and encouragement of SME Participation”.
Digital innovation centre, Thessaly (2002 - 2003) European Commission, DG Regio, ERDF Innovative Actions, Region of Thessaly, Regional Development Fund.
INVENT: Innovative ventures in Thessaly - evaluation (2002 - 2003) European Commission, DG Regio, ERDF Innovative Actions 2000-2006 -Region of Thessaly.
Regional documentation centre, Thessaly (2002 - 2003) European Commission, DG Regio, ERDF Innovative Actions, Region of Thessaly, Regional Development Fund.
Technopoles and industrial modernisation in Greece (1995 - 1997) General Secretariat for Research and Technology.
Innovation centre, Andalusia Technology Park (1994 - 1995) European Commission, DG Enterprise, Sprint Programme.
Innovation and system-areas in Greece (1993 - 1995) General Secretariat for Research and Technology.
Urban renewal and internationalisation of Thessaloniki (1993 - 1995) European Commission DG XVI – Organisation of Master Plan of Thessaloniki.
Development strategy for Democritus University (1993 - 1994) Regional Authority of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace.
Strategic priorities for the development of Thessaloniki (1993 - 0) Regional Authority of Central Macedonia.
Single European market and regional development in East Macedonia and Thrace (1991 - 1994) Volkswagen Stiftung.
Technopoles and science parks in Europe (1988 - 1989) General Secretariat for Research and Technology.
DASHBOARD for INNOVATION: Design and Development of Online Platform for Measuring Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Central Macedonia (2019 - 2023) Regional Government of Central Macedonia, Greece. SUMMARY: The Dashboard is aligned with the regional smart specialisation strategy. It is structured and visualizes data related to (i) the performance of the region, (ii) industry sectors selected as priority activities in the regional smart specialisation strategy, and (iii) the implementation progress of the regional innovation programme.
DCC: Digital City Transformation Strategy for Sofia (2018 - 2019) Technopolis in the framework of European Digital Cities Challenge, European Commission, DG Grow. SUMMARY: The project searches for complementarities and synergies between existing policies involving digital priorities (e.g. smart specialisation, digital city, e-government) and the newly planned policy actions supporting digital transformation. It was realised in the framework of the Digital Cities Challenge, an initiative of the European Commission to achieve sustainable economic growth by integrating advanced digital technologies.
LARGE-SCALE TRIALS: Evaluation of OpenBudgets.eu Platform. (2017 - 2018) Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems IAIS. SUMMARY: A testing and evaluation project, funded by the Fraunhofer Institute, assessing the digital applications developed in the framework of the OpenBudgets.eu project. Testing covered (1) Technical Trials on the OpenBudgets.eu platform, using budgetary data of the Municipality of Thessaloniki, (2) Group discussions with key personnel of the municipality of Thessaloniki, regarding the functionality offered by the OpenBudgets.eu platform, (3) Consultation with a group of external experts. Tested apps included: Data Ingestion and Transformations; Visualisations and KPIs; Microsite; Indigo Data Mining; and Participatory Budgeting Platform.
SSTE: Science and technology evaluation - Program for Industrial and Innovative Development of Kazakhstan (2017 - 2017) National Centre of Science and Technology Evaluation, Republic of Kazakhstan .
NEWBITS: New Business Models for Intelligent Transport Systems (2016 - 2019) Horizon 2020, European Commission, Research Executive Agency. SUMMARY: A Horizon 2020 project, NEWBITS (New Business Models for ITS) focuses on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), which have a great potential for making passenger and freight transport greener and more efficient. Nevertheless, the introduction of ITS into the market remains a major challenge. Collaboration of different stakeholders is thereby key for success. The project launched the NEWBITS Network Platform (NNP) to address these issues and elaborate collaborative ITS business models.
Assessment of the Digital Growth Strategy of Burgundy, France (2013 - 2014) European Commission, Joint Research Center, IPTS.
T-TRANS: Enhancing the transfer of intelligent transportation system innovations to the market (2012 - 2014) European Commission – FP7 - TPT.2012.3-2.
PEOPLE: Pilot smart urban ecosystems leveraging open innovation for promoting and enabling future e- services (2010 - 2012) FP7 Objective ICT-2009 1.6 Future Internet experimental facility and experimentally-driven research.
FIREBALL: Future internet research and experimentation by adopting living labs - towards smart cities (2010 - 2012) FP7 Objective ICT-2009 1.6 Future Internet experimental facility and experimentally-driven research.
ISTOS: Benchmarking technique implementation in tourism (2004 - 2005) European Commission. DG Regio. ERDF Innovative Actions 2000-2006 – Region of South Aegean.
PANDORA: Pilot action for the development of virtual economy in agricultural regions (2002 - 2005) European Commission IST-2001-33096, Specific programme for research, technological development and demonstration on a user-friendly information society .
The future of industry in Thessaloniki (2007 - 2008) Thessaloniki Master Plan Authority.
Planning centre for innovation, quality and sustainable development (2001 - 2002) European Commission, DG Regio, Region of C. Macedonia.
AGROPOLIS: American farming school (1997 - 1998) American Farming School of Thessaloniki.
ESTEP: Local strategy of training and employment involving technology parks (1997 - 1998) European Commission, Social Fund.
Innovation centre, Belice (1997 - 1998) European Commission, DG Enterprise, Sprint Programme.
Cities as centres of knowledge (1997 - 0) Greek Ministry of Development.
Science park of Technical University of Crete (1996 - 0) European Commission, DG Enterprise, Sprint Programme.
Technopoles and industrial modernisation in Greece (1995 - 1997) General Secretariat for Research and Technology.
Innovation centre, Andalusia Technology Park (1994 - 1995) European Commission, DG Enterprise, Sprint Programme.
Urban renewal and internationalisation of Thessaloniki (1993 - 1995) European Commission DG XVI – Organisation of Master Plan of Thessaloniki.
Strategic priorities for the development of Thessaloniki (1993 - 0) Regional Authority of Central Macedonia.
Technopoles and science parks in Europe (1988 - 1989) General Secretariat for Research and Technology.
MOBI-TWIN: “Twin transition and changing patterns of spatial mobility: a regional approach” (2023 - 2026) European Commission, Horizon Europe. SUMMARY: A Horizon Europe project that focuses on major global transition processes, such as the green and digital transition, which require redefining the changing nature of regional attractiveness and capturing shifts in the drivers and effects of spatial mobility. It builds on the idea that the twin transition affects substantially regional attractiveness. The project uses big data and agent-based modelling to analyse the impact of changing patterns of spatial mobility and the potential policy support to small and mi-sized companies.
Identification and data analysis of economic activities, human skills, and research outcomes at regional level (2022 - 2022) National Documentation Centre. SUMMARY: This survey identified important branches of economic activity (3-digit NACE groups), research activities, human resources, and emerging industries, at the level of Regional Units (NUTS2) of Greece. Statistical data document that any improvement of the Greek economy cannot be expected by emerging activities, as their dynamics are limited in terms of new businesses creation, employment growth, and added value increase. On the contrary, any improvements in the country's economic performance must be expected from existing industrial and service activities, especially those with critical mass and specialisation.
NORDFORSK-2015: Assessment of Nordic-Baltic research on user-driven innovation in health and welfare. (2015 - 2015) NordForsk-Nordic Programme on Health and Welfare.
Mastering innovation in Serbia: Development and implementation of interdisciplinary post-graduate curricula in innovation management (2014 - 2016) European Commission – TEMPUS IV.
INNOSEE: Seeding innovation - Training of research driven clusters (2012 - 2014) European Commission – EACEA- Leonardo Da Vinci.
New perspectives of European innovation and cohesion policies (2010 - 2011) Management Organisation Unit of Development Programmes.
NORDFORSK-2010: Evaluation of proposals for the call "innovations in cross-border living lab structures - empowering users in real life settings" (2010 - 0) NordForsk (Nordic Research Board) & Research Council of Norway (RCN), Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (VINNOVA), Danish Council for Strategic Research (DCSR), Icelandic Centre for Research (RANNIS), Research Council of Lithuania (LMT).
Clusters, strategic alliances and networking of SMEs: principles of functioning, sustainability and effectiveness, opc 2007-13 (2008 - 0) Greek Ministry of Development, General Secretariat of Industry, GR.
NETFORCE : Technology transfer center of Peloponnese (2007 - 2008) European Commission – DG Regio.
Technology demand and investments in the Balkans (1996 - 1997) Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Innovation and system-areas in Greece (1993 - 1995) General Secretariat for Research and Technology.
OSLO: Support services for the "Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support Mechanism of Central Macedonia", which includes analysis and evaluation of the regional innovation system, facilitation of the Entrepreneurial Discovery Process (EDP), organization and development of an open innovation platform, and technical support of a performance information system for the regional innovation strategy, ensuring real-time monitoring, and data-driven decision-making for strategy implementation. (2024 - 2029) .
RIS3 2021-2027: Good Governance RIS3 2021-2027 Enabling Conditions (2019 - 2020) European Commission, DG Regional and Urban Policy. SUMMARY: Findings of surveys and policy recommendations on smart specialisation governance, mainly EDP, and how national/regional authorities in Greece and Cyprus should comply with Policy Objective 1 for ‘Smarter Europe'. The project examined how digital platforms can improve innovation in the most important industry sectors through setting ecosystems and collaborative business alliances.
Assessment of RIS3 ex-ante conditionality compliance and coherence between RIS3 and Greek Operational Programmes (2014 - 2015) European Commission, Directorate General of Regional and Urban Policy.
Review of ongoing RIS3 processes and other development strategies proposed by stakeholders in the 13 Greek regions (2013 - 2013) European Commission, Directorate General of Regional and Urban Policy.
Research and Innovation Strategies (RIS3) and entrepreneurial process in Greece (2013 - 2013) European Commission, Directorate General of Regional and Urban Policy.
Assessment and policy advice for the development of a national strategy for smart specialisation for Greece and regional strategies for the 13 Greek regions (2012 - 2012) European Commission, Directorate General of Regional and Urban Policy.
Regional innovation pole of Thessaly - evaluation (2008 - 2010) Greek National Centre for Research and Development of Thessaly.
Regional innovation pole western Macedonia - evaluation (2007 - 2008) University of Western Macedonia, Greece.
Implementing innovation strategies - project concept of innovation website - Prague (2007 - 2007) Logotech SA.
Observatory for science and technology skills (2006 - 2006) Greek General Secretariat of Research and Technology.
TECHNOGENESIS: Managing technology clinics (2006 - 2006) Region of East Macedonia and Thrace.
Defining priorities for the programme MED 2007-13 (2006 - 2006) INTERREG Management Committee.
Defining priorities for the programme of GSRT 2007-13 (2006 - 2006) Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology.
Defining priorities for the regional operational programme of central Macedonia 2007-13 (2006 - 2006) Regional Authority of Central Macedonia.
RIS BRIDGE SW BG: Regional innovation strategy for the south west region of Bulgaria - RIS BRIDGE SW BG (2005 - 2007) European Commission DG Enterprise.
Innovation award central Macedonia (2003 - 2005) European Commission, DG Regio, ERDF Innovative Actions 2000-2006 – Region of C. Macedonia.
K-CLUSTERS in western Macedonia - evaluation (2003 - 2005) European Commission, DG Regio, ERDF Innovative Actions 2000-2006 -Region of Western Macedonia.
Regional documentation centre, Thessaly (2002 - 2003) European Commission, DG Regio, ERDF Innovative Actions, Region of Thessaly, Regional Development Fund.
Development strategy for Democritus University (1993 - 1994) Regional Authority of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace.
Single European market and regional development in East Macedonia and Thrace (1991 - 1994) Volkswagen Stiftung.
STEI RED: Smart Technologies and Innovation Systems in Regional Development - Modelling with System Dynamics. (2020 - 2022) Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation. SUMMARY: A research project that focuses on the convergence of smart technologies and innovation systems in regional development. It uses system dynamics modelling to examine the interdependencies between innovation performance and digital infrastructure and se-ervices at the regional level.
ONLINE S3: Online Platform for Smart Specialisation Policy Advice (2016 - 2018) Horizon 2020, European Commission, Research Executive Agency, GA 710659. SUMMARY: A Horizon2020 project which aims to develop an e-policy platform augmented with a toolbox of online applications and e-services to assist EU national and regional authorities in elaborating or revising their smart specialisation strategies. The Online S3 platform leverages existing methodologies, initiatives and tools developed by the EC for the RIS3, but it also investigates and tests new and innovative technologies, tools and e-services to strengthen regional innovation capacities and performance.
Digital platform for business audit and benchmarking (2013 - 2015) Institute of Small Businesses, General Confederation of Industry and Commerce of Greece.
Development of Web 2.0 content management system to underpin the regional innovation ecosystems of Belarus and Ukraine Universities (2013 - 2014) University of Bradford, School of Management.
MEDLAB: Mediterranean living lab for territorial innovation - INNO SME networks pilot action (2010 - 2011) Regional Development Fund of Central Macedonia.
E-cluster: Physical and virtual networks in western Macedonia (2003 - 2005) European Commission, DG Regio, ERDF Innovative Actions 2000-2006 – Region of Western Macedonia.
Spin-off: Digital innovation technologies (2003 - 2004) General Secretariat for Research and Technology.
VERITE: Virtual environment for regional innovation technologies (2002 - 2004) European Commission Programme “Promotion of Innovation and encouragement of SME Participation”.
Digital innovation centre, Thessaly (2002 - 2003) European Commission, DG Regio, ERDF Innovative Actions, Region of Thessaly, Regional Development Fund.
Innovation portal & INNOFINDER, c. Macedonia (2001 - 2002) European Commission, DG Regio, Region of C. Macedonia.