Next-Generation Service Ecosystems: Integrating Digital Platforms and Generative AI

My talk at the International Conference “The Transformative Economy: Digital Technology, Spatial Disparities and Quality of Life”, 8-10 October 2024, Yerevan, Armenia, deals with service ecosystems, the most common ecosystems in cities, encompassing activities in education, health, finance, culture, media, recreation, hospitality, security, governance, and more. Over the last 20 years, service ecosystems have evolved significantly,…

Human Computer Interaction Conference 2023

Our session at DAPI 2023 (Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions) conference, held today 27 July 2023 in the HCI International 2023, included 5 papers. S265: Human, collective, and machine intelligence for the smart green transition of cities Thursday, 27 July 2023 13:30 – 15:30, Room 178 Chair: Nicos Komninos An IoT Framework for Heterogeneous Multi-Layered…

The smart city paradigm: Models and platforms for transformation and innovation of 21st-century cities

This talk in the ERSA Summer School 2023 “The Digital Future of Smart Regions”, at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, 4 July 2023, is based on the book “Smart Cities and Connected Intelligence: Platforms, ecosystems and network effects“, Routledge, Regions and Cities series. The main arguments are (1) the smart city is the…

GPT-4 reveals subtle flaws in collective intelligence

On November 10, 2014, PeterEastern, a Wikipedia editor, merged the terms “intelligent city” and “smart city”. He wrote on the Smart City talk page “I have now put merge banners of Intelligent city, Ubiquitous city and MESH city‎ and am awaiting comments on those articles. I have completed to merging of these three articles, which…

Smart city ecosystems organising connected intelligence: Lessons from Mobility as a Service

My talk at the IEEE International Conference on Smart Mobility, KAUST, Saudi Arabia, 19 -21 March 2023, “Smart city ecosystems organising connected intelligence: Lessons from Mobility as a Service”.      The talk presents the latest work from URENIO Research on smart cities, connected intelligence, and innovation. There is plenty of evidence that the smart…

Best paper award

Tsampoulatidis, I., Komninos, N., Syrmos, E., & Bechtsis, D. (2022). Universality and Interoperability Across Smart City Ecosystems. In Streitz, N.A., Konomi, S. (eds) Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions. Smart Environments, Ecosystems, and Cities. HCII 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13325, Springer, Cham. Best paper, 10th International Conference on Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive…

Post-algorithmic smart cities

A new review by WM. Dunaway of our book “Smart cities in the post-algorithmic era: Integrating technologies, platforms and governance”, a collection of 13 chapters edited by Nicos Komninos and Christina Kakderi, spells out well our argument for post-algorithmic smart cities as the future evolution of smart cities. On this occasion, below are three reviews…

Fight climate change with connected intelligence

This talk at the 61st Annual Meetings of Western Regional Science Association, Scottsdale, Arizona, Feb 17th – Feb 20th, is based on the paper by Kakderi, C., Komninos, N., Panori, A., & Oikonomaki, E. (2021). Next city: Learning from cities during Covid-19 to tackle climate change. Sustainability 13 (6). The Covid-19 crisis showed that a…

Smart Cities: The future is already here

«Έξυπνες Πόλεις: Το μέλλον είναι ήδη εδώ» συζήτηση που διοργάνωσε το Αθηναϊκό-Μακεδονικό Πρακτορείο Ειδήσεων με τους Κ. Μπακογιάννη, δήμαρχο Αθηναίων, Δ. Παπαστεργίου, δήμαρχο Τρικάλων, Ν. Κομνηνό, καθηγητή ΑΠΘ, και Α. Μπρέγιαννη, συγγραφέα, με συντονισμό από τον Π. Δημητρολόπουλο, δημοσιογράφο, 15 Δεκεμβρίου 2021. “Smart Cities: The future is already here” a discussion organized by the Athens-Macedonian…